Hand Yardstick Test

(Marshall Sylver) – (Transcribed From An Actual Show)

In a moment I’m going to tell you to begin concentrating on one of your hands.

The moment that you do, you may concentrate either on your right hand or your left hand, it really doesn’t matter which

You will concentrate on a hand that is free and unencumbered

(You will concentrate on a hand that is free of you and the person beside you)

The moment you begin concentrating on that hand you will become aware of many things

You will become aware of a (warm, relaxing,) peaceful sensation (flowing) going through your body

The moment you begin concentrating on that hand, that hand will begin to feel light and relaxed

In fact, the more you concentrate, the lighter that hand will seem until that hand and begins rising and lifting, lifting and rising, relaxing itself right toward the ceiling, as if there were a giant bouquet of helium ballons attached to your wrist

Allow your eyelids to remain closed and begin concentrating now

See that hand in your minds eye, and as you do you become aware of the feeling of the material beneath your fingertips

As you concentrate on that hand you become aware of the feeling of the chair beneath your fingertips, of the floor beneath your fingertips and that hand begins to feel light and relaxed

As you concentrate one of your fingers will move slightly

It may be your index finger, your middle finger, your ring finger, your little finger or your thumb. One of your fingers will move slightly and your hand begins to relax and feel light

If I touch your wrist it feels as if I am attaching another bouquet of ballons to your wrist

Its now getting lighter still until it begins rising and lifting, lifting and rising beginning to relax itself right off of your lap, right off of the chair, right into the air

Each and everytime I touch your wrist getting lighter still, `til now it begins rising and lifting, lifting and rising relaxing further and further up, your concentrating perfectly

Rising and lifting, lifting and rising simply letting go

As I count backwards from 3 to 1 it feels as if those ballons are filling with more helium and are moving right into the air

on # 3 rising and lifting, lifting and rising

ballons filling with more helium


2, rising and lifting, lifting and rising

relaxing further and further up

on the next number, number 1 those ballons expand to 10 times their original size relaxing further and further into the air

on the next number, number 1 those ballons expand to 10 times their original size relaxing further and further into the air



and 1 rising and lifing, lifting and rising

pulling your entire body along with it

thats fine your concentrating perfectly

leave it right there

In a moment I’m going to count from 1 to 3,

The moment I say the number 3 you will open your eyes, you will look at your hands and see just how well youve concentrated

The moment I say the number 3 you will open your eyes, you will look at your hands and see just how well youve concentrated

1, 2 and 3